Stories from Southern Indiana
*Many Many More to Come*
The Whispers - Mitchell
The Whispers is a repeat location for us at Boo812. We began doing overnight investigations at the Whispers back in 2013 and have investigated as recently as October of 2022. Check out our blog post on haunted locations for video and audio phenomena we've personally witnessed. Some evidence collected here was used for articles in the Journal of Parapsychology & the Journal of Alternative Science through the academic institute we previously worked with.
We have been unable to confirm many of the historical statements made by the site, and if you do an over night investigation, someone from the Whispers will be staying over with you in a small room off the side of the kitchen.
Phenomena witnessed by our team: Responsive Psychokinesis, Thumps & Knocks, Investigative Equipment being moved, EVP, auditory voices captured aloud and by multiple recorders.
Red Yeti - Jeffersonville
Not only is the Red Yeti one of the most delicious restaurants in town, it's one of the most bizarre places we've ever had the pleasure of investigating. Kristen was used as a body shield, a beach ball sized light flew up out of an oven, hovered over it, and then crashed into a wall in front of our eyes and just out of frame of one of our stationary cameras. We last investigated in 2019, but have been back to eat many times.
Phenomena Reported & Witnessed: Ice scoops thrown at employees while no one in the room, disembodied hands opening doors above the restaurant, ball lightning-esque experience, glasses flying off the bar.
Downtown Jeffersonville
Jeffersonville is so historically rich! Upon construction of the Big 4 Bridge, the Jeffersonville access was actually supposed to swing around into the field across from where it is now. When they began digging the site, they began to unearth human skeletal remains. Construction stopped as the historical and archeological investigation started. Turns out, there is a large civil war era cemetery that fell into disrepair after nearby home owners in downtown Jeffersonville stole headstones to use in the creation of their porches and fireplaces. If you live in the area, check your stones for inscriptions! This story was confirmed by the historical society and the memorial located in Colston Park. A corner of the park is also the former location of the first Indiana State Prison.
To make matters more interesting, the Walcott apartments are now located atop part of the cemetery. If you live here and have experienced anything, we would love to speak to you.
Phenomena Reported: Civil War dressed apparitions walking through the streets and garden across from Red Yeti. Strange noises following people, with no apparent sources. Phenomena is hard to confirm or debunk here due to the lively downtown.
Indiana University Southeast
If you want full details on the hauntings of Indiana University Southeast, we are going to recommend keeping an eye out for Courtney's annual Haunted Tour in October. Courtney is a librarian and instructor at IU Southeast.
IU Southeast is where Boo 812 members met and got extra spooky. They often offer a parapsychology course that is AMAZING. If you have the opportunity to take it, we highly recommend it. Katie Jo took this course and stuck with the academic field data collection side of it after graduating.
In 2013, a group of students, Katie Jo included, gathered twice weekly in the basement labs of the Life Sciences building to do a series of IRB approved experiments involving seances. We will tell you more about that at our local events.
We can also mention that not only are there reports of hauntings, but also UFO activity has been reported at the college. We will post dates for Haunted IUS Tours closer to fall!
Raven's Roost Boutique -
New Albany
Raven's Roost has been a favorite location for Ghost Hunting and Paranormal Experience Courses. Formerly a civil war hospital, and now run by one of our favorite practicing witches, Raven's Roost is now the primary location we prefer to partner with in hosting our classes.
Phenomena Witnessed: Voices, footsteps from the top floor when it is empty, psychokinesis, and loud thumps
Fresco Tea Bar - Jeffersonville
Formerly one of the stops on our Kentuckiana Historical Haunted Tours, Fresco Tea Bar has moved into a haunted historical home. We are unsure if they know this location has reported activity. At the time of our tours, we met with local Clark County Historian Jeanne Burke and learned that this location housed a former enslaved person captor. As enslaved people made their way north to freedom, the man who lived in this home was paid to retrieve them. Ultimately, this disturbing career led to his demise when the town rallied against him and hanged him in his own yard.
Phenomena Reported: Creaking sounds, but unable to confirm as we have not yet investigated this home.
Captain Frank's Tomb
Captain Frank was a ferry captain prior to the steamboat era. He was notoriously fiery and would curse out the steamboats as they passed his ferry and the wake of the steamboat would cause animals and passengers to be reasonably frightened of this disturbance. Personally, we aren't sure if he was as angry as the stories say or whether he was victim to Irish American profiling of the early 1900s.
Regardless of the reason he was angry, Captain Frank was buried along highway 111 on a patch shortly after reaching what is now Caesar's Casino. His tomb is a vertical tomb with a porthole at face level so he could be interred standing up, "facing the river so he could curse every Captain traveling the river." To this day, some Ohio River Captains will blow their ships horn as they pass his tomb to drown out the curses from Ole Captain Frank.
He has since been disinterred and relocated with his wife and family in Cave Hill Cemtetery over in Louisville.
Our image will take you to a wonderful Youtube video by Journey Indiana about Captain Frank.